Anyone would agree that nothing compares to the stress of having your loved one sick in a hospital. We recognise this and actively form a positive atmosphere to give an emotional boost to all.
Our medical clowns are professional performers trained in the art of medical clowning, bringing joy & laughter to the following areas :
Our medical clowns are changing the lives of the children and parents, mainly by providing lighter moments, distracting them during difficult procedures and making the hospital environment a less scary and stressful place to be.
Historically the main focus of medical clowns was on children,
but we understand the benefits of humour for the elderly and have happily extended our work to 13 eldercare facilities and dementia wards, nationwide.
Our medical clowns work with care staff to help reduce patients' stress, support families to develop positive attitudes, coping mechanisms, and resilience in the face of difficult illness, tragedy, and serious prognosis.
We are working on the implementation of this programme. To be able to start in the near future, we need your help. Please contact us for more information, or donate for this particular purpose. Thank you for your generosity and support.
We are working on the implementation of this programme. To be able to start in the near future, we need your help. Please contact us for more information, or donate for this particular purpose. Thank you for your generosity and support.
We are working on the implementation of this programme. To be able to start in the near future, we need your help. Please contact us for more information, or donate for this particular purpose. Thank you for your generosity and support.
Our medical clowns can offer psychosocial support to the patient and family members by becoming a link or mediator between the patient and their family.
They provide a positive experience and help relieve patient stress, often giving patients a small reprieve from the reality of their situation.
„I just want to give you some feedback from an event that I observed the other day and thought it was worth letting you know. I was wandering down the corridor and couldn't help notice a wee girl coming to theartre who was having a deep down laugh out loud moment.
This was because there was a clown doctor on her bed with her, making her laugh. She was completely engaged in the moment seemingly carefree from what was going on around her. Her parents were behind her and seemed relaxed too.
I write this because that wee girl‘s laughter made people who were around stop, look at what was going on and smile. This is because it is unusual to hear such happiness in our enviroment. Interestingly it made me smile as well, maybe your work spreads further than you think!
Congratulations on a‘health transformation‘ moment!"
“There is a strong link between how you feel and how your body heals and that’s regardless of the underlying illness. That if you feel more confident, more cheerful and more optimistic then you will get out of hospital sooner and are more likely to have a better result.
I’m delighted to have Clown Doctors at the hospital, I think they do a great job and I also would like to see this initiative spreading into other children’s services around New Zealand.”
“I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the Clown Doctors' visits to the ward where I work. Sometimes the clowns can reach patients and lift their spirits in a way that our usual care and treatment cannot.
For example, one elderly woman had been very slowed up, glum and unresponsive for weeks. When the clowns visited she smiled and paid attention, and even got up to dance. This seemed to be a turning point in her severe depression; she went on to improve slowly and eventually recover fully.
Many thanks for bringing the Clown Doctors to our hospital!”
"This is a quick thank you to the two members of your team (in photo attached) who made a little fellow we are looking after very happy!! Deiken has just had a liver transplant and will be heading back to Gore soon.
I took him for a ride in our golf cart around the hospital grounds and we meet two of your Clowns Doctors on their way into Starship!
Deiken was very excited to see the clowns and couldn’t stop talking about them on the way back to the house.
So thank you very much and keep up the great work."
"I am very impressed with the professionalism of the Clown Doctors. Even while they are being silly they are always highly respectful of patients and staff. They religiously keep detailed records of all interactions with patients and they are very responsive to feedback from medical staff. This kind of reporting is very helpful as proof of their successful and funny influence of our serious therapy methods.”
““It was really a good distraction from the Clown Doctors while I was taking a line out from a baby. They made him to laugh. Well done!!!!”
"I wanted to let you know how much the Clown Doctors are appreciated at Wellington Children’s Hospital. There is always such a positive reaction from children and their parents, particularly young children, when the clown doctors come to visit.
They are a great distraction for children who have found themselves in an unfamiliar and potentially scary environment. The clown doctors create and make fun of the hospital which takes the scariness away a bit and helps children adapt to the environment. They have also provided distraction for children during painful or scary procedures, and I know of one little boy who always asks to have the clown doctors present when he needs to have an injection!
The clown doctors themselves are very passionate in what they do – cheering up families who are undergoing a time of stress. Without a doubt, the best result of medical clowning is having people in hospital laughing. It is so lovely to see a sick or scared child laughing at something silly. This is such a relief and a joy for their parents, who have been stressed and concerned, that they often laugh and join in the fun too. It may be temporary, but the laughter provides enough relief for families to make their stay more bearable.
The clown doctors are very respectful and professional in their behavior. They can read people’s body language and will leave them alone if they do not seem to be in the mood for joking. They also respond promptly to any feedback.
Thank you for providing medical clowning at Wellington Children’s Hospital and putting a smile on the faces of hundreds of children and their parents, since 2012. Keep up the good work!"
"I see the clowns work as adding a moment in time where the patients and their families are able to laugh and smile which in turn lifts the spirit of these patients and families - as well as the nurses and other staff who care for them.
The clowns have also worked sensitively with our terminally ill patients and families on request.
We sincerely embrace the clown doctors as being part of the interdisciplinary team at Older Person Health and look forward to the ongoing working relationship we have with the clown service”.
“Laughing de-stresses you. And if you are de-stressed then you heal faster and that’s the aim of distraction. If you are going into a procedure or something and you are really wound-up and up-tight, your recovery time is potentially a little bit longer. I really admire what Clown Doctors do.”
"Today I had the pleasure of encountering two of your fantastic clowns and I wanted to take the time to comment on this experience. As a paramedic I was dropping off a patient to starship hospital emergency department. It was this patients first time ever entering a hospital which I'm sure at her age was a somewhat of a nervous experience. Having suffered a significant injury her world was having a shake up and uncertainty was a reality to her.
As we entered the emergency department she was greeted by Oliver D'place and Dr Leanora Who. I enjoyed watching there actions and watched as a little girl relaxed into her bed and laughed in response to there entertainment. In 8 years in the job this is the first time I've seen the Clown Doctors and I just wanted to pass on my absolute appreciation for what my patient experienced today!!! It truly was fantastic!!! My colleague and I spent the next couple of hours laughing at what we had seen.
I also talked to the patients mother also who raved about how fantastic the welcome her daughter received by your staff and was blown away. Please pass in my sincere thanks to the above mentioned and express to them that what they did today was one of the greatest things I've seen at starship hospital. I will continue to speak of your company and mission and share my experience as the impact you have is worthy of."
"This is Charlotte who was diagnosed with Leukemia at age 3. During her 2.5 years of chemotherapy the Clown Doctors provided much needed distraction during long sessions attached to an IV pole.
Even when there were tears, the Clown Doctors knew exactly what was needed - whether it was a song on the much loved ukulele, a skit or a magic trick - they have a knack of taking the children’s minds off treatment.
Sometimes Charlotte was too sick to smile but she always remembered her encounters with the clowns and as soon as she felt better she would chat endlessly about their crazy antics.
Now as a healthy 7 year old those visits from the clown doctors are what she remembers and associates with her time in hospital and we are eternally grateful that’s it’s the laughs she remembers not the pain.
Thank you Clown Doctors! "
“The clown doctors were awesome. They provided more than just smiles towards my daughter. She was feeling sore and nervous as she is about to have surgery. They stopped her tears from flowing and her mind from worrying. Thank you clown doctors!
“Having the clown doctors come and visit our daughter makes her smile and laugh so much her jaw hurts. And it makes her mum and dad smile too. Some days are long and rough in hospital – the clown doctors make that little happy difference in a day.”
"In my opinion Clown Doctors provide such an important, necessary role in a child’s treatment! My son Jones at 10 years old was facing a stage four ERMS tumour, close to a year of chemo and radiation.
He was completely miserable, and an angry young man until this happened, please see pic attached!
I could not have put a price on that smile and the relief for me that he had at least one moment of pure joy!"
Please let’s help Clown Doctors remain!
“Good to see my boy smile and laugh and will help him trust doctors again.”
“The mind is a curious thing. I was lying in bed, brooding, analysing, feeling grumpy and the 2 bright sparks came into the room and brightened my day! Thank you for the light!”
“There were many days where a visit from the clown doctors turned a sad/bad day into a happy/fun one.
They were so receptive to Terina’s needs on the day. Am so thankful for each one of them sharing their joy.”
"The Clown Doctors were my son's highlight during his week long surgical admission to Hospital. Thank you so much for your services, talent & empathy - for a boy who was in constant pain and for me as an exhausted parent you were a breath of fresh air and made our hearts light again!"
“My mother-in-law was in Ward 64 for the past 4 days. Last night she was upset and crying. We are thankful for the clown doctors to come in and put this smile and laughter on her face. You guys are amazing and what you are doing is beautiful for those in this situation. Hats off to the clown doctors.”
"I just wanted to say how much my wee boy Jimmy (3 years) enjoyed it. I hope that the programme gets all the support it needs as it was fantastic to see the smile on his face.
Jimmy nearly died on Friday morning due to a severe acute asthma attack and spent 2 days hooked up to a machine to help him breathe. He had multiple blood tests, lines in, face masks, pokes and prods over the 5 days he spent in hospital but it was you 2 clowns that have left the lasting impression on him.
He is very used to the hospital as he is one of their regular visitors but on his way home today he turned round to me with a huge grin and said "i think the clowns made me better mum".
On the way home in the car he wasn't thinking about his sickness but was busy asking me if he could go to the circus tonight to find the clowns again.
Just thought you should know how much your time is valued by those who are on the other end. All the best for all your clowning."
“Greatest therapy of all – they should be a permanent fixture. They made Tommy smile and this had not happened in the 3 days we have been here. They brought lightness and laughter to both of us. The best thing ever for unhappy children.”
“This is a huge thank you to the two clown doctors who visited my daughter on Feb. 15 at Christchurch Hospital. She had a broken arm and was waiting to go to surgery.
You were able to put a smile on her face and for a time make her forget what she was going through. You are amazing, keep up the good work, during these trying times we need to have some humour.”
Professor Thomas Petschner is a transdisciplinary scientist who has twin Ph.D.s in nutritional and complementary medicine as well as degree in civil engineering and interior design. He is a renowned leader in the field of integrated diagnostics, specialised in medical facial diagnostics and biometric technologies (
As an internationally acknowledged researcher of human behaviour and the therapeutic use of compassion, humour and spirituality in medicine, as well as a published playwright, former theatre director and musician, he is perfectly suited for the wonderful Clown Doctors initiative, bringing the sound of laughter to New Zealand's hospitals and putting smiles on the faces of those dealing with challenging illnesses.
Prof. Thomas created the world's first fully specialised academic education for Clown Doctors and founded the International Institute for Medical Clowning in 2010, which merged in 2018 into the faculty for compassion, humour and spirituality in medicine at the Institute for Integrated Diagnostics by Steinbeis+Academy, an enterprise of Steinbeis University Berlin.
As his social contribution Thomas also established the Clown Doctors Asia-Pacific, Humour for Health Alliance, Clown Doctors Singapore, founded Clown Doctors China and Clown Doctors Relief & Recovery Team for psychological support in disaster zones and crisis situations.
Rita Noetzel was born in Canada, and worked in Switzerland for five years as a bilingual PA before moving to New Zealand. She comes from a holistic health care background, and has a number of qualifications in various forms of massage therapy as well as being a Dr. Hauschka facial therapist.
She has worked at an integrative medical centre for many years, initially as a receptionist, then as practice manager and now as an independent therapist, so she understands the healthcare sector and how to work in it.
Rita is passionate about humour for health and sees clown doctors as holistic health care. She believes that being able to laugh is an important part of daily life. Everyone should be given this right and clown doctors can create a bridge between humour and health treatment, increasing the quality of life and the well-being of those in medical care.
Organising clown doctors can be a tough job, but it’s one Rita takes great pride in and she’s very proud of the national team and is often referred to as ‘the mother of clowns’.
who for more than a decade have brought smiles and laughter to
children in hospital and eldercare facilities all over the country.
We would like to use this opportunity and also thank our funders,
past board members, sponsors, supporters, volunteers and all
of you who believed in us and have been with us on this journey.
Without your support it would not have been possible to touch the
hearts of over 250,000 children, family members, elderly and staff
of all the healthcare facilities we have visited nationwide.